Conversation with a Concierge

Conversation with a Concierge

Recently I sat down with Mel Kettle of The Cooks Notebook where we talked about  tips to be more organised, running a business, becoming a runner (not something Mel will be doing any time soon…) and some of the more “unusual” requests that have come through – include...
How to sort – a cheats guide

How to sort – a cheats guide

Quite often de-clutter projects are started with a lot of enthusiasm; the tubs are laid out, you’ve set aside the whole day in your calendar, you’ve even made a sandwich for lunch before you started and get off to a flying start!  But now comes the time when the...
How a concierge will save you time and money

How a concierge will save you time and money

Many people think they can’t afford to use a Concierge – the reality is that you can’t afford NOT to use one! Most of us usually think “I can do it myself, it won’t cost me anything because my time is free” – not true – everyone’s time has value.   Do It Yourself...
Systems that work

Systems that work

Do you know you have systems all around you that work every single day?  Even the simplest tasks is built on a system – and that’s what makes it simple, it is the result of a well thought out system. For example, when you catch the train, simple enough,...
Getting Organised | Overcoming Excuses

Getting Organised | Overcoming Excuses

Do you have a million reasons (read: excuses) for why you can’t get organised? Do you feel defeated before you even get started? Believe me, we have all been where you are. Everyone uses the same excuses to avoid getting things organised. For every excuse you...
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