Are we becoming less connected

Are we becoming less connected

I was listening to a TEDx Podcast recently titled the Money Paradox Three experts shared a unique view point on the humans behavior around money resulting from their research and studies on the subject.  Laurie Santos shared the results of a really interesting...
Do you want to be a domestic goddess

Do you want to be a domestic goddess

…. Well it would appear that most of us are certainly trying to be – or at least are in training for it! A recent survey released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that too many women are doing unpaid domestic work.  You might ask “when did we ever get...
Have a white Christmas

Have a white Christmas

We are in full Silly Season mode;  the home stretch to Christmas and the panic is starting to rise in your chest.  In just three weeks I have to do exactly one zillion things – no I’m not exaggerating! Get as much done as possible before end of term, deals to be...


I’ve seen the media cover this story generated by Megann Foy’s book of the same name.  There has certainly been a lot of buzz created by the story as well as attracting its fair share of controversy. Mothers crying foul that their maternity leave has been likened to...
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