Q. What does a regular day look like for you?

I’m awake from 6:15am and arrive at work between 7am and 8am (depending on work for the day), lunch either with colleagues or at my desk; either paperwork or Court for the day; usually home at 7pm, sometimes 7:30pm.

Dinner and then either work in my study for another hour or TV. Depending on whether I have Court the next day, I’m in bed between 10pm and 11pm.

Q. Do you feel as though you have enough ‘spare time’ in your week for things that you like doing?

No, never!

Q. Name three things you can’t live without?

My partner, Hugh; coffee; my dog, Frankie.

Q. Do you have any ‘guilty pleasures’ in regards to your time? If so, why do you feel guilty about them?

Yes! The Bachelor, the Kardashians etc! They are the shows I can watch and completely unwind from “the real world”. The shows are so removed from reality that I feel I can completely switch off and relax while watching. Internet shopping is another one…

Q. Do you have any help around the house, and how has having them changed your lifestyle for the better?

We have a cleaner for 2 hours every week. Makes my life much happier. I had assistance from the Concierge Collective for my Christmas shopping, and it made my life at Christmas much calmer and happier. I felt more organised than any other Christmas!


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