Claire lives in , is married with four children and works full-time in the finance sector. Here is her real story on how she makes it all work…

Q. What does a regular day look like for you? 

I’m generally up at 4:40am so I can head to the gym early. I’ve finally come to the realisation that it’s the only time that allows me to fit it in, and I’m a much better person with the gym in my life!

Then it’s back home to get ready for work, get the kids ready and out the door by 7ish. Work’s a pretty busy day so often lunch is on the fly but I do try to take a break!

After work it’s straight back to grab the kids, home (play/feed/wash/read/bedtime) and then it’s the general chores (lunch/pack bags). By 8:30ish it’s normally downtime with some study and a chat with hubby. I am lucky though that my husband and I actually work for the same institution so we have both the morning & night time ritual, the commute and even the odd sneaky lunch/coffee together!

Q. Do you feel as though you have enough ‘spare time’ in your week for things that you like doing?

I’ve made it work. It’s been hard and it’s meant being really honest with myself but we’ve reached a pretty good balance. However there is always room for improvement and we’ve made some changes recently to fit in even more ‘me’ and ‘us’ time.

Q. How did you come to find that balance?

It’s something I have to continually work on. I’ve stopped saying “I’m too busy” and have tried to switch it to “I haven’t prioritised it” which often reminds me that my time is mine to choose!

It’s about fitting in pockets of ‘me’ time and not squandering the opportunities with time wasters etc. It’s also about looking at the big rocks and deciding whether there’s a better way.

Q. Name three things you can’t live without?

Family, Gym, Food!

Q. Do you have any ‘guilty pleasures’ in regards to your time? If so, why do you feel guilty about them?

I actually did get into the Bachelor a wee bit this year for the first time! I also love GoggleBox!! I know I shouldn’t but I just can’t help myself!

I wouldn’t say I feel guilty about them though, more amused at myself. However the ‘mothers guilt’ in general can be pretty horrendous at times. But I do my best, pour out as much love as I can and know that I have to be kind to myself in order to be a good Mum to them.

Q. Do you have any help around the house? 

Just in the last couple of months we’ve started to engage more assistance. After returning to full time work again after the last bub at the start of this year (I’ve a 17yr step-daughter, 4yr, 3yr & 2yr old…all girls!) we tried to keep as much in house as possible so we could get a feel of where we actually needed the help.

We’ve started with a gardener, then getting my husbands work shirts pressed, the pool being regularly serviced and now we’ve started getting cleaners in.

Q. How has having them changed your lifestyle for the better?

It is such an enormous difference. We were getting to all of it before, but the weekends would fly past in a blur of chores and errands and I’d look back and realise I’d hardly spent any quality time with the kids or my husband at all.

Now I can actually look forward to the break and know that the weekends will actually be spent relaxing with the family and creating the moments and memories that will make us all better people.

Q. What next big exciting event is on your ‘list’?

I’m just about to head out on a weeks Fijian holiday with the kids and my husbands extended family! But even bigger we are looking at upgrading the house over the next 12 months and it’s looking likely we’re going to build….help us! 🙂


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