Forget about trying to impress your Mum with the latest skincare products, soy candle or a bunch of flowers this Mother’s Day. Because in our busy wired on lives, we can sometimes forget that a simple morning tea, phone call or weekend visit can mean a whole lot more than an expensive gift.

If you’re a Mum, wouldn’t you much prefer some one-on-one time over a gift any day? And if you don’t have kids, wouldn’t you rather spend a lovely afternoon catching up with your Mum, rather than posting her a gift?

Mothers Day shouldn’t just be a commercial reminder notice to send a $10 card to say “Thanks a bunch, you’re awesome”. Don’t get me wrong a card is great, but just once a year? Not good enough people!

Our Mothers are more often than not the unsung hero of our families. They are the cook, cleaner, negotiator, nurse, taxi, errand runner, bookkeeper, administrator and in many cases all while managing a successful career.

In any other environment someone with this much talent and diversity in skill would be applauded (and probably given a pay rise AND a promotion), not simply taken for granted.

A pair of slippers are not really that useful if the only day she actually gets to put her feet up and enjoy them is the first weekend of May each year.

This Mother’s Day my mother will be 1100kms away from me (as she is every year), but we will chat on the phone, and she will probably get a lipstick, something she loves and is in her words “a practical gift”. I’ll also be speaking to her on Monday which I have done for the past 20+ years. Every Monday at 7pm, without fail, my phone rings and it’s Mum (and Dad). This was a conscious decision to make Monday night our night, she speaks to my Brother on Tuesdays.

Isn’t it time we focussed on ‘time’ over ‘things’? Why do we spend so much money trying to ‘show’ our love for our Mums. Is it all the marketing we are exposed to that says we must spend lots of money on our Mums?

Many of us love giving beautiful gifts, but what if there was a gift that freed up some time in your Mum’s daily schedule, that then allowed her to meet you for a regular coffee? A housekeeper, an ironing service, or even a concierge?

Make time for your Mum this Mothers Day, connect with her somehow and give her the most precious gift and that is your time.

You can buy ‘The Gift of Time’ here, the perfect gift for your Mum to give her more ‘time to live’. 


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