Letting go is hard – let’s get that straight. Some examples? A good friend leaving to go and live overseas indefinitely. A promotion you missed out on. An argument with a family member. These things we have no control over, but we just have to ‘let them go’.

But what about the things we can control? Our cluttered spare room or overflowing messy wardrobe. A ‘to-do’ so long you forgot when it started. These are things we do have control over, but we tend to place restrictions on ourselves and settle into habits that define our everyday.

This might sound familiar. “I can’t sit down to relax right now, I’ve got a million things to do!” But for some reason those big tasks just get further and further down the list and you feel like you have less time for yourself. What about if you just let it go…?

What about if you got some help to declutter your wardrobe, from a friend or a professional? Not only would you be letting go of the task on your to-do list, you’d be letting go of all those dresses you haven’t worn in years.

I’ve recently been reading Kemi Nekvapil‘s book Raw Beauty, in which she speaks about ‘letting go’.

“Let go of the physical things that crowd our lives – letting go of clothes that no longer serve us, a couch that has done its time or old letters that you have no sentiment for. Whether we are letting go of emotional or physical ‘stuff’, the over-riding feeling is one of lightness and space and new possibilities.”

The idea I love most about this quote is the ‘new possibilities’. Think about what you could do with your afternoons and weekends now that you have less clothes to sort through and iron in your wardrobe. Less time spent on chores, and more time to enjoy yourself. The door is open to new possibilities for your time.

Kemi also talks about the fact that letting go of ‘things’ can have an immense impact on our health and wellbeing.

“Some women have described it as a sense of freedom, All of this ‘stuff’ they have been carrying around, either physically or emotionally, has had a weight to it. And when we are brave enough to let these things go, it creates space not only emotionally, but in our lives as well.”

What do you have in your life that you think you could let go of? Do you dread going grocery shopping? Order online or do ‘click and collect’ instead. Do you feel pressure when you think about the 50th birthday party you promised to organise for your husband? Outsource the task.

The first thing we tell our clients when they come to us with a massive task or long to-do list is that they aren’t alone anymore, that they don’t have to hold onto this burden by themselves – “we’ve got this”. So don’t be afraid to let go, and remember that if you need help, we’re here.

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