When I ask anyone how they are, they say “soooooo busy”. Well, as a Concierge that is a pretty typical day for us, all our client are busy, that why they hire us.
However I’ve noticed a shift that if we don’t say we’re busy then we are in some way missing out or not keeping up. Being busy, it seems, is some kind of Badge of Honour.
I was reminded of this over the weekend by Bernard Salt who wrote about about an imaginary club called Busy People’s Collective. As a member of this club, you have permission to be late, not respond to emails or voicemail message and forget birthdays. If you are displaying these traits, then you could be a bonafide member of the BPC, and something you are sure to be proud of, right?.
In the quest to achieve membership to this club or indeed a Badge to pin on your smartly tailored suit, what are we really saying to those around us?
Your ability to triple book yourself is outstanding, or, do you lack the skill to properly manage you time?
I don’t care if I miss an event or don’t show up, I have 4 other things on tonight I can go to, or, are you being disrespectful to the people who went the effort of inviting you.
I will be on every committee just so I’m not judged by the other mum’s, or, do I lack the ability to simply say no?
I will work all weekend to show my boss how dedicated I am, or, I am I ignoring my first loves, my children, my partner, my sport, my art.
I tell my friends I can’t possibly go away for the weekend, I have so much to around the house, or, am I burning myself out due to lack of self-care?
Is being busy really the new black? Truly an exhausting way to be considered fashionable! Being busy could be the latest way to display self-importance but at what cost to your true-self?
Having a full life is great, absolutely! But to create a sense of busy-ness simply to be admired or even envied by others – really?