At this time of year we find ourselves full of enthusiasm for goals you want to achieve, it might be a massive goal to quit smoking (I know how hard that is, been there done that), or it could be simply to get a little more organised so that you feel less stressed.
Here are just a few ideas on how you can start small to get your plans into action:
Make your hair and beauty appointments for the year in advance – there is nothing worse than being desperate for a cut and colour and you can’t get an appointment with your favourite stylist. Even if you travel a lot you will see the appointment in your planner and know it needs to be rescheduled, but not missed entirely! No reason you can’t do this with other regular appointments such as the dentist.
Make use of the sales and think about birthday gifts for the year that can be purchased in advance. It is a win-win situation. You can make your purchase at a discount and you are fully prepared for the birth dates! Just make sure you designate a cupboard/space in your home for gifts so you don’t forget about them.
If your plan is to make your lifestyle more healthy, I’m sure you have a friend who is feeling the same way. Having a “buddy” to undertake any new goal is always a great idea to keep yourself (and your buddy) accountable for the outcomes. Start with free or cheap exercise options such as walking or doing lengths at the pool.
If your goal is to open a business or take on study, perhaps seek out a mentor who can support you through this new venture. They can help you make strategic plans to help you reach milestones and ultimately your goal.
If you would like to save some money (and lets face it who wouldn’t), I can offer sound advice from the book The Richest Man in Babylon. Review your budget and break it down as follows: 10% to save (an absolute must), 20% to repay debts, 70% to live on. A super simple method but one proven through the ages as this book clearly demonstrates.
Are you hoping to create more personal time? This can be tricky when you have conflicting requirements from work, family and friends. It is a good time of year to review your commitments and make sure you are not over-committed. Remember it is OK to say “no” to things. No one benefits if you are constantly exhausted, least of all you.
If you would like some help from our team to achieve your goals this year, let us know I’m sure there are dozens of ways we could help you out.
The bottom line is, if you want something badly enough you have to put a plan in place to make it happen or it really is just a wish.
Let us know what you are planning for 2015.